J -Term 24 |4:00-5:00| Creative/Pre- Ballet Level 1 | Ages 3-5 | Wednesday | Juarez| $160
Starts January 3rd
Spring Term open for registration NOW
WSPA Youth Dance Classes Spring 2024 - WSPA Home (westseattleperformingarts.org)
Sold Out
J Term 23 Creative Movement | Ages 3-4 | Saturday | 9:00-10:00 | 6 weeks
Starts January 6th
Spring Term starts January 29th and is open for registration NOW
WSPA Youth Dance Classes Spring 2024 - WSPA Home (westseattleperformingarts.org)
Instructor: Christine Juarez, WSPA Dance Director/ Lisa Bajocich
Description:Creative Movement Saturday is a joyful exploration of space and movement with an emphasis on music, tempo, and locomotion. A strong mind/body connection will be nurtured as students explore how their bodies work and move and how they can isolate body parts and use pathways and shapes to move through the class. New concepts are introduced weekly, opposite, up/down, joints, bones, closed/open and so many more. Creative imagery, language, and props will be all used.
Pink Tights ( Bloch T1935G Adaptatoe Elite Children's Convertible Tights)
Shoes ( Hanami 2037W Pink Ballet Slipper) runs very narrow for a wider foot (BunnyHop Slipper SO225G Pink)
Leotard Bloch Girls Essential Tank Leotard Pink.
Boys: White ankle socks, White Ballet Slippers, white Short Sleeve Leotard
Class starts January 2nd
Spring registration is open NOW
No Registration, Production, or Costume Fees! Positive Learning Environment
Christine Juarez: Ballet , Director, West Seattle Performing Arts
Attire: Pink ballet slippers split sole, pink ballet tights, Turquoise tank Leotard.
N5501C turquoise tank leotard
Pink Tights ( Bloch T1935G Adaptatoe Elite Children's Convertible Tights)
Shoes ( Hanami 2037W Pink Ballet Slipper) runs very narrow for a wider foot (BunnyHop Slipper SO225G Pink)
Boys: White ankle socks, White Ballet Slippers, white Short Sleeve Leotard
Pre-Ballet Level 1- 2 is an introductory level that builds on the concepts of locomotion, body awareness, pathways, dance vocabulary, sequencing, and a strong sense of anatomy. An 18-week curriculum is followed that bases each class on a strong concept of movement, space, or the body and how it works. A twist on the traditional classical ballet class we will start each with a class with a vigorous series of locomotor movements across the floor, for example skips, gallops, chasses, and prances. Ballet 1 digs deeper into the classical ballet vocabulary with a beginner barre , center floor, and jumping sections of the class. Peer-to-peer correction, French vocabulary, and the use of musical terms such as; Adagio, moderato, allegro, presto, etc are all woven into the class for a full experience.
Teaching philosophy: I have a very strong philosophy of respect in the classroom. Student to teacher, Teacher to Student,Students to each other, space and the learning environment. Every student is an individual that learns in a unique way. My job as a teacher is to choose the best language and examples to create a stimulating and playful learning environment. I choose to eliminate negative words in the classroom like” No”,” not” or” wrong.” I believe in transparency. I crave an authentic and healthy relationship with both my students and their families.