SM 24 Creative Movement/ Pre- Ballet 1 | Tuesdays| 4:30-pm-5:30pm| 3-5 yrs.| July 9- Aug.6

SM24 Creative Movement/ Pre- Ballet  | Tuesdays| 4:30-5:30| Ages  3-5 yrs.|

 Dates: July 9,16,23,30 Aug. 6                                     $160

 Instructor: Christine Juarez, Director WSPA  

 Attire: Girls pink tights, pink leotard, pink ballet slippers NO SKIRTS they cover the legs and inhibit movement. Boys, white t-shirt, or white short-sleeved leotard, black shorts or leggings, white ballet slippers, and white ankle socks. Long hair in a bun.


Creative Movement Tuesdays is a joyful exploration of space and movement with an emphasis on music, tempo, and locomotion. A strong mind/body connection will be nurtured as students explore how their bodies work and move and how they can isolate body parts and use pathways and shapes to move through the class. New concepts are introduced weekly, opposite, up/down, joints, bones, closed/open and so many more.  Creative imagery, language, and props will be all used.


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