SM 24 Hip Hop 2/3 | Mondays |4:00-5:00 | 7-11 yrs | July 8-Aug 5|

SM 24   Hip Hop 2/3  | Mondays | 4:00-5:00 | 7-8 yrs | July 8-Aug 5|

WSPA Summer Classes can be prorated by using our Partial Payment Link  on our landing page. or use the link below:

Instructor: Heather Gonzalez, WSPA Dance Faculty


Hip Hop 2/3  is an entry-level class for those with a good sense of body awareness and an ability to pick up sequences. Style, and musicality in a Fun upbeat environment makes this a very popular class. 

Attire: Sneakers, comfortable clothing, hair back out of the face, T-shirts, jeans, sweats.

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