F24 Pre Ballet 2 | Ages 5.5-6 yrs | Wednesday | 4:00-5:00 | $480-35| 18 weeks|

F24 Pre Balle 2 | Ages 5.5-6 yrs | Wednesday | 4:00-5:00 |  $480-35| 18 weeks|


Tentative Performance Dates: Decemberor 14-15

Instructor: Sana Tepley, Faculty  WSPA


Pre- Ballet Leve l2 (6 yrs). is for students who are turning 6 before or around December . This is an introductory class that will emphasize and build on locomotion, fine motor skills, basic ballet movement vocabulary, an introduction to stretching and balancing at the barre, improvisational guided exercises. A strong introduction to tempo, counting, Rhythm, percussion instruments and sequencing. Fun imagery, props and joy are all a recipe for Pre- Ballet level 1.

Attire: PLEASE NO SKIRTS-  Please order from Discount Dance.com


Shoes: Pink or skin tone ballet slippers, split sole no drawstrings

Shoe Code: T2800C or T2915C

Leotard Color and Code: Royal Blue or Turquoise if already purchased, N5500C "Royal"

Tights and Code: Pink or skin tone tights T0981G


Shoes: White socks and black ballet slippers 

Shoe Code: MX25C or S1C

White Leotard or shirt, ME638C or ME638

Tights and Code: Black tights ME641C or ME641

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