J 24 Adult Beginner/Intermediate Ballet | Ages 12- Adult | Wednesdays |7:00-8:15| Smith | $135 | 4 weeks|


Class starts January 3rd

Spring registration is open NOW





Instructor: Rachel Smith, WSPA Dance Faculty 

 Description:  The class will begin with basic ballet exercises that will teach the basic positions of the feet and arms. The big plus in this class will give attention to alignment and posture. Core strength is guaranteed to increase. Stretching and sequencing will be part of every class. Center work ( working without the barre)  and small ( petite ) and large (  grand ) jumps will all be taught

Attire: Females:  Pink tights solid colored leotard,  pink ballet slippers. Male dancers: black leggings, teens ( dance belt) white leotard or white t-shirt. White socks and white ballet slippers.  Long hair in a bun.


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